Neurologist. Psychiatrist. Author


Selected Media appearances by Todd E. Feinberg


Selected Media Appearances

Bridging the Gaps, podcast. From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain” with Professor Todd Feinberg, February 9, 2025 With Dr. Waseem Akhtar

Psychology Today, How Sentience Emerged From the Ancient Mists of Evolution, The evolutionary path of consciousness from sensing to sentience. By Ralph Lewis, Updated January 29, 2025

Scientific American, Unlocking the "Mystery" of Consciousness, Explaining it requires neither supernatural intervention nor any new fundamental physics
By Todd E. Feinberg, Jon Mallatt on October 17, 2018

The Guardian, The Ancient Origins of Consciousness by Todd Feinberg and Jon Mallatt review – how the brain created experience how the brain created experience, An evolutionary history shows how consciousness is key to human survival, Review by Steven Rose. June 9, 2016

The Learning Channel. Science Frontiers: Alien Hand Syndrome, 10/28/96

Dateline NBC. Featured in: A Mind of its Own. The Alien Hand Syndrome, 3/22/99

Scientia. South American Television. Featured in: A Máquina Humana 1999.

Fresh Air with Terry Gross. NPR Radio Interview, 01/30/01

New York and Company, Radio Interview, 03/07/01

Public Interest hosted by Kojo Nnamdi, Radio Interview, 4/25/01

Newark Sunday Star Ledger. The Seekers: The Minds “I”, 12/01/02

Science News “Finding the Inner Me: neural roots of identity” 02/11/06

Radio Times on WHYY NPR Philadelphia. Interview and commentary on the movie “Unknown White Male”, 02/21/06.

NIH Record, Studies of Consciousness reawakening Panel reports. 05/06/05

The Secret Life of the Brain.Losing Myself. The Science Channel. 05/05/09

True Life: I Have Traumatic Brian Injury. MTV 5/3/10. 

Elaine Smith's Evolving Ideas© Radio Show 9/21/10